Can you make Dua on your period

Can You Make Dua on Your Period?

In the spiritual journey of a Muslim, making Dua is a profound way to connect with Allah, seeking His guidance, mercy, and support in times of need. 

However, many women may wonder, “Can you make Dua on your period?” This question often arises, especially during the holy month of Ramadan when the desire for spiritual engagement is heightened.

Understanding the permissibility and significance of menstruation Dua can help women maintain their spiritual practices without feeling disconnected. 

At Sabil Al-Quran, we encourage all believers to explore the depths of their faith, regardless of their physical circumstances.

In this article, we will address this important question and highlight about can you make dua while on your period?

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Can you make Dua on your period?

Firstly, if it were necessary for everyone to be in a state of purity to engage in dhikr or du’a, this would create a significant disadvantage for women due to their natural menstrual cycles and postpartum periods. 

These conditions prevent them from engaging in direct communication with Allah for extended periods, which would seem unjust. Logically, it stands to reason that Allah would not “reject” anyone for something He has created.

Purity is specifically mandated for the prayer itself in the Quran, and notably, women are not required to make up missed prayers during their menstrual or postpartum periods, although they do need to compensate for fasting and other rituals.

Regarding permissible acts of worship dua during menstruation, women can:

  1. Read any book that contains verses from the Quran (as long as it is not the Quran itself), which counts as dhikr (remembrance of Allah).
  2. Listen to Quranic recitations or recite from memory.
  3. Perform a prostration if they come across a verse that requires it.
  4. Engage in any form of dhikr.
  5. Some scholars permit reading from a Mushaf (the physical copy of the Quran) if there is an object placed between the woman and the Mushaf, allowing for reading without direct contact.
  6. Attend the Eid sermon and the Eid prayer without participating in the prayer itself.

Additionally, it’s noteworthy that non-Muslims also perform du’a, and there are instances in the Quran where disbelievers call upon Allah, emphasizing that purity (tahara) is not a prerequisite for making du’a.

What to Do When You’re on Your Period in Ramadan?

Ramadan is a sacred month of fasting, worship, reflection, and spiritual growth observed by Muslims around the globe. During this time, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, and other physical needs during daylight hours.

For women, menstruation means missing some fasts during this holy month. Women on their periods are exempt from fasting and prayer, and they are required to make up their fasts at a later date.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrates that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated that a woman in a period dua for menstruation may neither pray nor fast, emphasizing the need to compensate by fasting later on. Aisha mentioned: “It happened to us, and we were ordered to fast later in compensation, but not to compensate for missed prayers.”

While the inability to perform two key acts of worship during Ramadan can leave one feeling spiritually disconnected, there are numerous ways to engage in worship and reap the rewards of this blessed month, even during your menses.

1. Make a Dua’a List

Create a list of dua’as to use during times when they are most accepted, such as in the morning, afternoon, just before Maghrib, and in the last third of the night. You can certainly make dua during periods! Memorizing a new dua’a each day and understanding its meaning can strengthen your sincerity.

2. Increase Dhikr

Whether resting, working, cleaning, cooking, or driving, keep the remembrance of Allah on your tongue. Engage in adhkar such as SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar, which hold beautiful rewards, especially in Ramadan.

3. Engage in Charitable Acts

The rewards for good deeds are amplified during this blessed month, including acts of charity. Charity extends beyond monetary donations; consider volunteering with a non-profit organization, preparing iftar or suhoor for those fasting, or simply sharing a smile with fellow sisters, all of which count as sadaqah.

4. Recite the Quran and Read Translations

Maintain a strong connection to the Quran by reflecting on the word of Allah. If you believe it is impermissible to touch or recite the Quran during your menses, consider reading a good translation or listening to Tafsir lectures to deepen your understanding.

5. Seek Islamic Knowledge

Dedicate time to watch Islamic lectures or read Islamic literature to enhance your knowledge and receive valuable reminders.

6. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Reflect on the blessings in your life and express gratitude to the One who has given us so much.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Recognize the blessing in the break from prayer and fasting that Allah grants women during their periods. Use this time to care for yourself by resting, eating healthily, and staying hydrated.

In conclusion, yes, you can make dua on your period. Embrace this opportunity to nurture your spirituality and maintain a connection with Allah, even when you cannot fast or pray.

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Can you read Tafsir books during your period?

There is no sin for a woman who is menstruating or experiencing postpartum bleeding to read Tafsir books or even the Quran, provided she does not touch the Mus-haf (the physical copy of the Quran). This aligns with the more widely accepted scholarly opinion.

In contrast, a man who is in a state of major impurity (Junub) should refrain from reading the Quran until he performs Ghusl (ritual purification). However, he is permitted to read Tafsir or Hadith books, as long as he avoids reading any verses from the Quran contained within those texts.

This is supported by a Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, which indicates that nothing prevented the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from reading the Quran except for major impurity. According to this narration, it is stated that a Junub man should not read even a single verse of the Quran.


In conclusion, the question of “can you make dua on your period” highlights the profound nature of communication with Allah, transcending physical conditions. It is essential to remember that your spiritual connection remains intact, and you can engage in heartfelt supplications during this time.

Whether through personal prayers, dhikr, or reading translations of the Quran, there are numerous ways to maintain your spiritual practice. Embracing this understanding allows for a deeper relationship with Allah, reinforcing that faith and devotion are not confined by physical circumstances. Let us continue to strengthen our bond with the Divine, recognizing that every moment is an opportunity to seek His mercy and guidance.

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FAQ about Can You Make Dua on Your Period

Can I pray to Allah on my period?

The Quran indicates that intimate relations during menstruation are prohibited. While it does not explicitly forbid prayers, hadith literature clarifies that women should not pray during their menstrual period, and they are not required to make up the missed prayers during this time.

What is not allowed during menstruation in Islam?

A menstruating woman is prohibited from performing both obligatory and voluntary (nawafil) prayers, fasting—whether it is an obligatory fast or a voluntary (nafl) fast—and circumambulating the Ka’bah.

Can I recite surah during periods?

Essentially, there is no Sunnah that forbids a menstruating woman from reciting the Qur’an. The hadith stating, “A menstruating woman and the one in a state of janabah should not recite anything from the Qur’an,” is considered weak by knowledgeable scholars of hadith.

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