Reciting the Holy Quran is one thing, and reciting it in a proper way with Sabil Al-Quran is a different thing altogether. If you are not familiar with the basic rules of recitation, then you may not be doing this properly.
So, are you aware of the signs and symbols that are found above some words? Their meaning, purpose, and importance? If you want to learn Quran recitation, you need to understand and follow the Quran rules of recitation for pauses, stops, starts, and cut-offs.
Thus, today Sabil Al-Quran brings to you the important as well as basic rules of recitation of the Quran.
Moreover, integrating the Rules of Reading the Quran into your recitation practice ensures a deeper understanding and reverence for the sacred text.
Basic Rules Of Recitation Of Quran
Let us unlock the secrets of the Quran with the Rules of Reading the Quran. Many people are unfamiliar with the meaning and purpose of the symbols and signs found throughout the Quran.
Here at Sabil Al-Quran, we’ll guide you through these essential rules, helping you master basic Quran recitation.
م (Compulsory Stop):
- Meaning: Indicates a mandatory pause to avoid altering the meaning of the verse.
- Example: \”فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ\” (Al-Kawthar 108:2).
لا (Prohibited Stop):
- Meaning: Signifies that recitation should not be cut off or stopped at the marked word.
- Example: \”إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَنْ يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَا\” (Al-Baqarah 2:26).
صلى (Permissible Stop, Preferable to Continue):
- Meaning: Indicates a permissible pause, but continuing is preferable.
- Example: \”إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ\” (Al-Asr 103:2).
قلى (Permissible to Continue, Preferable to Stop):
- Meaning: Allows for continuing recitation, but stopping is preferable.
- Example: \”يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اصْبِرُوا وَصَابِرُوا\” (Al-Imran 3:200).
ج (Permissible Stop):
- Meaning: Allows for a pause, but continuing recitation is also acceptable.
- Example: \”إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ\” (Fatir 35:28).
∴ (Embracing Stop):
- Meaning: Appears on two words within a verse. If you stop on one, you cannot stop on the other.
- Example: \”وَيُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يُحْمَدُوا بِمَا لَمْ يَفْعَلُوا\” (Al-Imran 3:188).
ط (Normal Stop):
- Meaning: Suggests a natural stopping point, often at the end of a sentence or thought.
- Example: \”كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ\” (Al-Imran 3:185).
قف (Anticipation Mark):
- Meaning: Indicates a preferable stopping point, but continuing is also permissible.
- Example: \”كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ\” (At-Takathur 102:3).
س (Saktah):
- Meaning: Indicates a brief pause without taking a breath.
- Example: \”عِوَجًا قَيِّمًا\” (Al-Kahf 18:1-2).
وقفة (Waqfah):
- Meaning: Indicates a slight pause, shorter than a full stop.
- Example: \”وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا يَوْمُ الدِّينِ\” (Al-Infitar 82:17).
By understanding and following these Tajweed rules, we can recite the Quran with proper respect and accuracy.

Learning the Quran: A Structured Approach
This guide offers a clear and organized approach to reading and memorizing the Quran in Arabic, at your own pace.
Finding Focus Time
The first step is choosing dedicated times for Quran study. Many find mornings after Fajr ideal, with a clear and focused mind. Dedicate some time in the mornings and evenings for focused memorization. Use this time to review past lessons and introduce new ones.
Regular Review is Key
Consistent revision is crucial for memorizing the Quran. Schedule daily review sessions, ideally in the evenings. Consider reading your memorization to a friend or family member for feedback on pronunciation. Revisiting lessons before sleep can also aid memorization.
Creating a Quiet Space
To effectively learn Quranic Arabic, minimize distractions. Find a quiet place to study and recite the Quran. If using online recitations for learning, a quiet environment is essential for understanding the pronunciation clearly.
Seeking Guidance
Remember, Allah is your guide. Pray for His help in memorizing the Quran effectively. Consider enrolling in online Hifz courses for additional support if you encounter challenges.
The Starting Rules of Reciting the Quran
In our previous discussions, we covered the rules for stopping during Quran recitation. Now, let\’s provide proper guidance on the rules for starting the recitation of the Holy Quran.
1) The Allowed Start
After understanding the major rules of Quran recitation, it\’s important to know the start rules as well.
- Complete or Sufficient Stop: When reciting the Holy Quran, you can begin at any point that follows a complete or sufficient stop.
- End of a Verse: You can also start after a good stop, provided the stop is at the end of a verse.
- Correct Meaning in the Middle: If there is a correct meaning within the middle of a verse, you should start the recitation from that point as it is mentioned.
2) The Not Allowed Start
- Middle of a Verse: You are not allowed to cut off the recitation in the middle of a verse and then resume from that point. You should only stop at the end of a verse.
- Changing Meaning: You must not start the verse in a way that alters its meaning. Such a start is considered highly inappropriate.
- Starting Properly: If an improper start occurs, the reciter must go back and start from a point with a proper and suitable meaning. This is particularly crucial for long verses where reciting the entire verse might be challenging.
Understanding these rules ensures that the recitation is performed with respect and accuracy, preserving the intended meaning of the Holy Quran.

10 Manners Of Reading The Quran
Getting Ready to Read the Quran:
- Perform Wudu for Purity
Before delving into the Quran’s sacred verses, it’s imperative to perform Wudu, ensuring not just physical cleanliness but also spiritual purification and mental clarity.
- Sit Respectfully
As the Quran is divine revelation, honor it by sitting in a dignified manner. Choose a respectful posture while holding the Quran, reflecting the reverence you hold for this Sacred Book.
- Elevate the Quran
Reflecting its elevated status, place the Quran in a high position during study or recitation. Many opt for a clean pillow to elevate it, a practice aligning with its revered importance. - Hold with Right Hand
Following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), hold the Quran with your right hand, symbolizing righteousness and honoring his exemplary conduct. - Recite Istiaazah and Basmalah
Begin by seeking refuge in Allah from Satan and invoking His name for mercy and compassion. These recitations set the tone for a spiritually enriching Quranic experience. - Recite Slowly
Avoid the temptation to rush through recitation, as speed may lead to errors and hinder comprehension. Embrace a deliberate pace to grasp the Quran\’s profound meaning fully. - Follow Tajweed Rules
Adhere meticulously to Tajweed rules, ensuring accurate pronunciation and melodious recitation. Respect the complexity of Arabic, as slight mispronunciations can alter verse meanings. - Maintain Silence
Eliminate distractions such as mobile phones and refrain from conversation during Quranic recitation. Focusing solely on the Quran prevents worldly influences and enhances spiritual connection. - Fulfill Quranic Requirements
Honor verses requiring prostration (Sajdah) by promptly performing it. Pause appropriately while reciting, ensuring meticulous adherence to Quranic guidelines. - Praise Allah SWT
Conclude your Quranic session by praising Allah for guiding you to His Holy Book. Express gratitude for the opportunity to engage with divine wisdom and seek His continued guidance.
At Sabil Al-Quran, our certified Arab Qaaris ensure thorough instruction in all aspects of Quranic rules, guaranteeing precise and flawless recitation. For those pursuing hifz, we offer accredited online courses led by certified native Arabic tutors, ensuring a comprehensive and authentic learning experience. Additionally, we explore essential topics such as What Is The Meaning Of Hadith In Islam?, deepening your understanding of both the Quran and the Hadith to enrich your spiritual journey.
At Sabil Al-Quran, our certified Arab Qaaris ensure thorough instruction in all aspects of Quranic rules, guaranteeing precise and flawless recitation. For those pursuing hifz, we offer accredited online courses led by certified native Arabic tutors, ensuring a comprehensive and authentic learning experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I learn to read the Quran fluently?
To become good at reading the Quran, practice a lot. Ask a teacher for help and go over your lessons with them every day.
What should I read before reading the Quran?
In our previous guide on reading the Quran respectfully, we highlighted the importance of reciting Istiaazah and Basmalah before starting. This helps protect us from distractions by Satan and keeps us focused on the path of enlightenment.
How long does it take to learn to read the Quran?
The time it takes to learn to read the Quran varies depending on age. Children under 10 may need about 2 years to read fluently. However, adults usually learn faster, sometimes in just a few months.
Is Arabic hard to learn?
Learning Arabic can be challenging, but it\’s certainly achievable. Consistent daily practice and seeking help from Allah (SWT) can expedite your learning process more than you might think.
What are the 10 ways of reading the Quran?
Nafiʽ al-Madani recitation
Ibn Kathir al-Makki recitation
Abu Amr of Basra recitation
Ibn Amir ad-Dimashqi recitation
Aasim ibn Abi al-Najud recitation
Hamzah az-Zaiyyat recitation
Al-Kisa\’i recitation
Abu Jaafar al-Madani recitation
Yaqoub al-Hadrami recitation
Khalaf ibn Hisham recitation