who is the world best man in Islam

Who Is The World Best Man In Islam: Prophet Muhammad

Islam, the fastest-growing religion globally, continues to thrive, with millions drawn to the teachings of the Prophet and his household (PBUT), whom Allah loves most. His example has inspired generations and transformed entire civilizations.

For centuries, countless individuals who embraced Islam have sought to understand why Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered the greatest man in the world. His life, legacy, and unwavering dedication to fulfilling Allah’s commands have left an indelible mark on the world.

Born over 1400 years ago in Makkah, Prophet Muhammad’s unparalleled character and wisdom have shaped history in a way no other figure has. His journey, from being chosen by Allah as a Prophet at the age of forty, to enduring hardship and persecution, stands as a testament to his resilience and faith.

Despite years of oppression by the polytheists of Makkah, neither the Prophet nor his followers wavered in their commitment to Islam. After thirteen years of preaching in Makkah, he migrated to Madinah, where his mission continued, eventually leading to the transformation of the entire region and beyond.

In every way, Prophet Muhammad’s life proves that no one before or after him can compare to his greatness. His legacy endures as a beacon for humanity.

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Who Is The World Best Man In Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is regarded as the greatest man in Islam and throughout history. As the final messenger of Allah and the Prophet of Islam, he dedicated 23 years of his life inviting people to embrace the belief in the oneness of Allah. 

During this time, he tirelessly spread the message of Islam across the cities of Makkah and Madinah.

For Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stands as the ultimate role model, embodying the highest virtues of faith, character, and leadership, making him unparalleled in history.

In the Holy Quran, Allah describes His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as a mercy for all of mankind. Allah says 1:

“We have sent you O Prophet only as a mercy for the whole world”

“وَمَآ أَرْسَلْنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةًۭ لِّلْعَـٰلَمِينَ”

Surah Al-Anbya (21:107)

The Birth and Early Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Prophet Muhammad’s full name is Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah. He was born in Makkah in 571 AD. Tragically, he was an orphan from birth, as his father passed away before he was born. His mother, Aminah Bint Wahb, cared for him until she too passed away when he was just six years old.

After her death, his grandfather, Abdul Al-Muttalib, took him in. When his grandfather also passed away, Prophet Muhammad was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib, who cared for him and guided him through his early years.

The Prophet’s Mission and Perseverance

At the age of forty, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen by Allah as His final messenger. Despite enduring years of persecution and abuse from the polytheists of Makkah, neither the Prophet nor his followers wavered in their commitment to Islam. 

After thirteen years of preaching in Makkah, he migrated to Madinah, where he continued spreading the message of Islam and established a thriving Muslim community.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dedicated his entire life to delivering Allah’s message, spreading the teachings of Islam, and promoting the belief in monotheism while opposing polytheism.

He also played a pivotal role in instilling good morals and virtues, teaching the proper ways of worship, such as prayer, and guiding people on the path to attain Paradise.

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Prophet Muhammad The Greatest Man In The World

Even before receiving Prophethood, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was renowned for his generosity. After experiencing his first revelation, he returned home, visibly shaken by the encounter. 

Khadija (SA) reassured him, saying, “Allah could never embarrass you. You honor your relatives, you are true to your word, you help those in need, support the weak, show kindness to guests, and respond to the calls of those in distress.”

After becoming the Prophet, even his enemies expected nothing but generosity from him. He responded to kindness with kindness and extended his compassion even to those who were cruel and oppressive toward him. 

A poignant example of this was when he was expelled from the city of Taif, bloodied and wounded from being stoned in the streets.

At that moment, Angel Jibreel descended from the heavens, seeking permission to teach the people of Taif a lesson for their cruelty. However, the Prophet (PBUH) declined this offer and instead prayed for their guidance, showcasing his immense generosity and compassion.

General Appearance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

In terms of his general appearance, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was described as beautiful, pure, simple, and gentle, embodying an everyday familiarity that made him approachable to all.

“The Prophet was a person of average height. His shoulders were wide. His hair reached his earlobes. Once I saw him adorned in a red garment; I never saw anything more beautiful than him.” (Bukhari)

Upon his passing, he left behind no wealth or property, except for his white mule, his weapons, and a piece of land dedicated for the benefit of the community. 

This reflects his humility and selflessness, prioritizing the well-being of others over material possessions. (Al-Bukhari)

Now, let’s explore some of his characteristics.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Role Model

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) serves as the ultimate role model for Muslims, demonstrating how to maintain a constant connection with Allah. He taught his followers to remember Allah in every aspect of their daily lives, from the moment they wake up to when they go to sleep, and even during simple actions like eating, sneezing, or entering the bathroom.

In addition to his emphasis on worship, the Prophet exemplified outstanding traits and virtues. He treated children with compassion and kindness, showing them love and care while engaging in playful activities with them. His actions serve as a timeless guide for Muslims on how to embody goodness and uphold strong moral values in all interactions.

His Respect and Care for Women

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a champion of women’s rights and dignity, actively advocating for their respect and equal treatment. Contrary to misconceptions about women’s status in society, he emphasized the importance of honoring and valuing women. He praised his followers for treating women with kindness and granting them the rights they deserve.

In one of his hadiths, he stated:

“Whoever raises two daughters until they come of age will be in the next world alongside me, like my two fingers joining together.”

“مَنْ عَالَ جَارِيَتَين حتَّى تَبلُغَا جاء يَومَ القِيَامَة أَنَا وَهُو كَهَاتَين”وضَمَّ أَصَابِعَه.

– Narrated by Muslim

This highlights his advocacy for the upbringing of female children, demonstrating the deep consideration he had for women and their rights.

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Love and Compassion in Marriage

Moreover, the Prophet showed love and care for his wives, often feeding them with his own hands. He said:

“Whatever you spend is considered charity, even the mouthful that you put in your wife’s mouth.” 

“إنك لن تنفق نفقة تبتغي بها وجه الله إلا أجرت بها حتى ما تجعل في في امرأتك”

– Narrated by Saad bin Abi Waqqas

This illustrates that even the act of feeding one’s wife is a charitable deed rewarded by Allah. It goes beyond mere sustenance; it fosters love, compassion, and partnership in the relationship.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Diplomat and Unifier

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) played a crucial role in establishing peace following the advent of Islam. He unified the Arabian Peninsula and laid the foundation for an Islamic state that welcomed all Muslims, transcending tribal and national boundaries.

On the economic front, the Prophet taught Muslims the principles of Zakat, one of the fundamental pillars of Islam, emphasizing the rights of the poor and the importance of charitable giving.

Internationally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) focused on resolving disputes with his enemies to bring an end to conflicts. A notable example of this is the Treaty of Hudabiyyah, which he signed with the disbelievers of the Quraysh tribe of Makkah in 628 AD, showcasing his commitment to peace and diplomacy.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Father

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) displayed immense kindness and affection toward his daughters. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated:
“Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) came walking towards us, walking in the same manner as her father. Therefore, the Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘Welcome, my daughter,’ and he then made her sit on his right or left side.”

He would kiss his daughter Fatima, as Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) described:
“When Prophet Muhammad’s daughter Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) entered upon him, he would stand for her, kiss her, and make her sit where he was sitting. And when he entered upon her, she would stand up, kiss him, and make him sit where she was sitting.”

Additionally, he showed love and tenderness to his grandsons, embracing and kissing Al-Hussein (may Allah be pleased with him) in front of others, reflecting his deep affection for his family.

Pleasantness of the Best Man in Islam

Another common misconception is that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was always harsh and strict in his dealings with others. This belief is incorrect; in reality, the Prophet was the kindest of individuals.

He consistently greeted people with a smile and spoke to them with warmth and compassion. One of his companions remarked:
“I have never seen a man who smiled as much as the Messenger of Allah.” (Tirmidhi)
This statement highlights the Prophet’s gentle and caring nature.

A person who smiles often leaves a positive impression on others, spreading love and happiness wherever they go.

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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Businessman

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began his professional journey as a shepherd before becoming a successful trader. His reputation for trustworthiness and honesty earned him the respect of the people in Makkah. 

Many individuals felt secure entrusting their money to him, fearing theft elsewhere, and chose to leave their wealth with him for safekeeping.

These admirable qualities were pivotal in convincing his future wife, Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), to partner with him in business even before their marriage.

While working with Khadija, he exceeded all financial expectations, successfully selling all the goods they traded. His ventures included journeys to Al-Sham (Syria) for trading, further establishing his status as a reputable businessman.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as an Advocate for Animal Rights

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) may well have been one of the first animal rights activists in history, advocating for the fair treatment of all living beings. He taught that animals, created by Allah, deserve kindness and compassion, rather than harsh or ignorant treatment.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated an incident that illustrates this:
“I once had trouble riding a horse and had to continually rein it in. ‘You must have tenderness,’ remarked the Prophet (PBUH).” (Muslim)

Muslims are encouraged to follow his example in treating animals with love and sensitivity, ensuring they are treated equitably and compassionately.

Humbleness of the Messenger of God (PBUH)

The Messenger of God (PBUH) was the epitome of modesty and humility. He was so unassuming that if an outsider entered the mosque and approached the area where he sat with his companions, one would have difficulty distinguishing him from them.

Anas bin Malik narrated:
“Once, while we were sitting with the Messenger of God (PBUH) in the Masjid, a man on his camel approached. After tying it with a rope, he asked: ‘Who amongst you is Muhammad?’ The Messenger of God (PBUH) was sitting on the ground, leaning with his companions. We directed the Bedouin, saying: ‘This white man is leaning on the ground.’ The Prophet (PBUH) did not differentiate himself from his companions.”

The Prophet (PBUH) was also quick to support the weak, needy, and widows in their times of need. Anas bin Malik narrated:
“A woman from the people of Madina who was partially insane said to the Prophet (PBUH): ‘I have to ask you [for your help] about something.’ He helped her and took care of her needs.” (Bukhari #670)

This demonstrates his deep compassion and commitment to serving those in need, embodying true humility in every aspect of his life.

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Kindness to Children: The Greatest Man in the World

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was always kind and merciful to children, delighting in their company and bringing joy to their lives through playful interactions.

One notable example of his affection for children is the story of Anas ibn Malik was a young boy when he had the honor of serving the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). During his ten years of service, Anas reported that the Prophet never displayed impatience or rebuked him in any way. He narrated:

خَدَمْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم عَشْرَ سِنِينَ، فَمَا قَالَ لِي أُفٍّ‏.‏ وَلاَ لِمَ صَنَعْتَ وَلاَ أَلاَّ صَنَعْتَ‏”

“I served the Prophet (PBUH) for ten years, and he never said to me, ‘Uff’ (a minor harsh word denoting impatience) and never blamed me by saying, ‘Why did you do so or why didn’t you do so?” 

– Sahih Al-Bukhari

This account reflects the Prophet’s remarkable patience, kindness, and understanding, serving as a profound example of how he treated those around him, particularly the young and vulnerable.

Such instances highlight his gentle nature and the importance he placed on fostering love and care for children. Throughout his life, he consistently encouraged parents to cherish and nurture their children, setting a beautiful example of compassion and kindness.

Conclusion: Who Is The Best Man In The World?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stands as a monumental figure in history, embodying the ideals of compassion, humility, and integrity. 

His exemplary character has made him the greatest man in the world, inspiring countless individuals across generations. His kindness toward children, respect for women, commitment to justice, and advocacy for the less fortunate highlight his profound humanity.

Through his teachings and actions, he emphasized the importance of love, kindness, and understanding in all aspects of life. His approach to leadership was marked by diplomacy and empathy, uniting diverse communities under the principles of faith and mutual respect. Even in the face of adversity, he displayed unwavering patience and resilience.

As Muslims and people of all backgrounds reflect on his life, they find timeless lessons on how to treat one another with dignity and compassion. 

The legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continues to resonate, reminding us that true greatness lies not in power or wealth, but in the kindness we show and the positive impact we have on the lives of others.

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  1. https://quran.com/21/107[]

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