Which Surah to Recite on Friday for Blessings and Guidance

Friday holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. Known as Jumu’ah, the Friday prayer is one of the most significant weekly acts of worship in Islam. On this blessed day, Muslims gather for communal prayers, seek forgiveness, and engage in worship.

Among the many Sunnahs associated with Friday, reciting specific Surahs from the Quran is an act that brings immense reward and blessings. So, which surah to recite on friday to maximize the benefits of this blessed day?

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The Importance of Fridays in Islam

Fridays are known as the best day of the week. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it, Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise, and on it he was expelled from it” (Sahih Muslim).

This highlights the significance of Friday, making it a day for extra worship, prayer, and recitation of the Quran. When considering what surah to read on Friday, it is important to recognize the deep spiritual value these Surahs hold.

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Which duas and surahs must be said on Friday?

On Friday, it is highly recommended to recite Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18), as the Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, a light will shine for him between this Friday and the next” (Sunan Al-Kubra 5856, Sahih by Al-Albani). Sending Salawat (blessings) upon the Prophet ﷺ abundantly is also encouraged, as he ﷺ said, “Send blessings upon me in abundance on the day of Friday and its night” (Sunan Abi Dawood 1047, Sahih by Al-Albani). Additionally, there is a special hour on Friday in which duas are accepted, often believed to be the last hour before Maghrib (Sahih Bukhari 935, Sahih Muslim 852). Engaging in general Dhikr, making duas, and attending Jumu’ah prayer are also key sunnah acts to observe on this blessed day.

The Virtues of Surah Al-Kahf on Friday:

  • Light Between Fridays: It is narrated in a Hadith from the Prophet (PBUH) that those who recite Surah Al-Kahf on Friday will have light shining for them between the two Fridays. This light symbolizes guidance and blessings throughout the week.
  • Protection from the Dajjal: Surah Al-Kahf offers protection from the trials of the Dajjal (the Antichrist). It is said that reciting this Surah every Friday will safeguard a person from the fitnah (trial) of the Dajjal, which is one of the most significant trials to occur in the end times.
  • Forgiveness of Sins: Another virtue of Surah Al-Kahf is the forgiveness of sins. It is reported that reciting it on Friday will erase the sins committed during the week, thus granting spiritual purity and peace.
  • Spiritual Enlightenment: Surah Al-Kahf brings blessings to the reader’s heart, strengthening their connection with Allah and increasing their faith. By reflecting on the lessons of the Surah, a person can achieve spiritual enlightenment.

The best time to recite Surah Al-Kahf is from the night of Thursday until before the Jumu’ah (Friday) prayer. Some scholars suggest reading it in the early hours of Friday morning, but the Surah can be recited anytime throughout the day.

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What Surah to Read on Friday: Other Recommended Surahs

While Surah Al-Kahf is the most recommended surah to be recited on friday, there are other Surahs and duas that hold special importance for this blessed day. If you are looking for additional recitations and wondering what surah to read on Friday, consider these options:

  • Surah Al-Fatiha: As the opening chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Fatiha is recited in every unit of the Muslim prayer (Salah). Reciting it on Friday, especially in the Friday prayers, brings immense blessings and is a means of connecting with Allah.
  • Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas: These three Surahs, often referred to as the “three Quls,” are important to recite for protection and spiritual purification. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended reciting them before bedtime, and they are also beneficial on Fridays.
  • Surah Al-Jumu’ah: It is highly recommended to read Surah Al-Jumu’ah, which discusses the significance of the Friday prayer and the special blessings of Jumu’ah. This Surah highlights the importance of Friday as a day of worship and gathering.

Additional Acts of Worship on Friday

Aside from reading Surah Al-Kahf and other Surahs, there are several other acts of worship and Sunnahs associated with Friday. These acts not only enhance the blessings of the day but also strengthen a Muslim’s faith and connection with Allah.

  • Making Dua (Supplication): Friday is a day when Allah answers the supplications of His believers. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned that there is an hour on Friday when Allah grants the wishes of His servants. Making dua on this day, particularly during the Jumu’ah prayer, is highly encouraged.
  • Sending Salat and Salam on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): It is recommended to send blessings and salutations on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) frequently on Friday. The Prophet (PBUH) himself said: “Increase your supplications upon me on the day of Friday” (Sunan Ibn Majah).
  • Reciting Surah Al-Dhariyat, Surah Al-Mulk, and Surah Al-Insan: These Surahs are also known to bring blessings and are frequently recited during the day of Jumu’ah.
  • Performing the Sunnah Prayers of Jumu’ah: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of performing the Sunnah prayers before and after the Jumu’ah prayer. These prayers are a means of drawing closer to Allah and earning His reward.
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Conclusion: The Blessings of Surah Recitations on Friday

Friday is a day filled with countless blessings and opportunities for Muslims to grow spiritually. The act of reading specific Surahs on Friday, particularly Surah Al-Kahf, is a way to honor this day and gain the numerous benefits associated with it. If you are still pondering what surah to read on Friday, Surah Al-Kahf offers light between Fridays, protects against the Dajjal, and brings forgiveness for sins. Along with Surah Al-Kahf, Muslims are encouraged to recite other Surahs like Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-Jumu’ah, along with making dua and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

By incorporating these practices into our Fridays, we can strengthen our faith, increase our connection with Allah, and ensure that every Friday becomes a source of spiritual growth and blessings.

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Which Surah should I read on Friday?

Surah Al-Kahf is highly recommended for recitation on Fridays. It brings light and blessings between two Fridays and offers protection from the trials of the Dajjal.

Why is Surah Al-Kahf important on Fridays?

Surah Al-Kahf brings spiritual enlightenment, forgiveness of sins, and protection from the trials of the Dajjal. Its recitation on Friday is said to bring guidance and blessings.

What to read at Juma?

During Jumu’ah, it is recommended to read Surah Al-Kahf, Surah Al-Jumu’ah itself, and engage in additional supplications and prayers.

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