Signs That Your Dua Will Be Accepted

Signs That Your Dua Will Be Accepted

In Islam, dua (supplication) is a profound means through which believers connect directly with Allah, expressing their needs, hopes, and repentance. While making dua is an act of faith, many Muslims often wonder, are there signs that your dua will be accepted? 

Understanding the key moments and behaviors that increase the likelihood of acceptance is crucial. By adhering to the etiquettes of dua, such as sincerity, seeking forgiveness, and approaching Allah with humility, believers can strengthen their bond with the Almighty.

In this article from Sabil Al-Quran, we will explore the best times to make dua, actions that can lead to its acceptance, and the most significant signs that your dua will be accepted. Keep reading to learn more about how to ensure your supplications are heard.

What Is Dua?

Dua is a personal and intimate form of prayer in Islam, where an individual directly communicates with Allah, expressing their desires, needs, or gratitude. Unlike formal prayers, dua is unstructured and can be spoken in any language, at any time, and in any place.

It’s a simple act of turning to Allah for help, offering thanks, or seeking guidance for oneself or others. Dua reflects the believer’s reliance on Allah and can be made silently or aloud, making it a spiritual tool Muslims carry with them wherever they go, seeking blessings and solutions to their problems.

What Are The Signs that your Dua will be Accepted?

Here are five key Signs that your Dua will be Accepted:

  1. If you experience a sense of joy, calm, and relief after making your dua, this could be a reflection that Allah (SWT) has accepted it.
  2. When you observe positive shifts in your life, such as overcoming obstacles or finding ease in previously difficult situations, it may be a sign that your prayers are being answered.
  3. An increase in your faith and patience, especially during hardships, can also signify that Allah (SWT) is responding to your prayers.
  4. If you notice new opportunities arising, doors opening, or difficulties fading after consistent dua, it could be a clear indication that Allah (SWT) is granting you the positive outcomes you’ve been seeking.
  5. Having uplifting dreams where you witness your desires being fulfilled is often a strong indication that your supplication is on the path to being accepted.
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When and How Are Dua Answered?

Duas can be accepted at any time and in any place, but maintaining a strong connection with Allah and trusting in His wisdom is essential. Allah, the Most Merciful and Generous, never allows His servants to raise their hands in supplication without responding to their pleas.

As reported by Salman al-Farsi, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“ Indeed, Allah is mindful and generous. He feels shy when a person raises their hands to Him, to turn them away empty and disappointed “

{إن الله حيي كريم يستحي من عبده أن يبسط إليه يديه ، ثم يردهما خائبتين}


In another narration, Anas ibn Malik noted that Allah would be hesitant to let His servant raise their hands without bestowing some form of goodness upon them.

Understanding the etiquettes of dua is crucial for acceptance. It’s important to learn and implement these practices in your supplications. Let’s explore these essential etiquettes together.

Top 10 Etiquettes of Dua

As we raise our hands in supplication to Allah, it’s essential to follow these etiquettes to enhance the likelihood of our duas being accepted:

  1. Begin with Gratitude to Allah
    Always start your dua by expressing thanks to Allah using His glorious names. Follow this by sending blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad. After stating your supplication, conclude with “Ameen” three times, and finish by again invoking blessings upon the Prophet.
  1. Cultivate Intentions and True Faith
    Approach Allah with certainty in your heart. Your intentions for making dua should stem from genuine faith and be solely for Allah’s sake. This reinforces a reminder for true believers.
  1. Invoke Repentance
    Invoke repentance with humility and sincerity, recognizing Allah as The Most Merciful.
  1. Ensuring Your Food is Halal
    Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqas asked the Prophet to pray for his duas to be accepted. The Prophet advised him to ensure his food is halal, stating that prayers of anyone who consumes even a single morsel of haram will not be accepted for forty nights. Although this hadith may be considered weak, it underscores the importance of halal sustenance in worship.
  1. Practicing Patience
    Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“ Each of you will have his supplications answered, as long as he does not lose patience and say, ‘I have prayed, but my dua was not answered.”

{يُسْتجَابُ لأَحَدِكُم مَا لَم يعْجلْ: يقُولُ قَد دَعوتُ رَبِّي، فَلم يسْتَجبْ لِي}

(Abu Huraira)

This highlights the importance of maintaining patience while waiting for your duas to be fulfilled.

  1. Invoke Forgiveness
    Seeking forgiveness before making your duas is essential for ensuring their acceptance. This humble act of repentance opens your heart and prepares you for a sincere connection with Allah.
  1. Express Your Neediness
    Demonstrating a sense of need and humility before Allah, The Highest, is crucial. The Holy Quran reminds us:

“When My servants ask you (O Prophet) about Me, tell them that I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond with obedience to Me and believe in Me; perhaps they will be guided to the right path”

{وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ}

 Surah Al-Baqarah (186:2).

  1. Emphasize the Importance of Supplication
    Some scholars note that the placement of this verse about dua amidst verses discussing the rulings of fasting highlights the significance and merits of supplications to Allah. It serves as a reminder of the power and importance of turning to Him in prayer.
  1. Comprehensive Supplications Are Accepted
    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) highlighted the significance of comprehensive supplications (Al-Jawami’), which are concise yet profound. Abu Dawud narrated that when his companions found it hard to remember many of his duas, the Prophet shared a comprehensive prayer:

“O Allah, I ask You for the good that Your Prophet Muhammad asked for, and I seek refuge from the evil from which he sought refuge. You are the One from Whom help is sought, and there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Exalted, the Great.”

{اللهم إني أسألك من خير ما سألك منه نبيك محمد ﷺ وأعوذ بك من شر ما استعاذ (منه) نبيك محمد ﷺ}


  1. Praying for Your Brother Enhances Your Duas
    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“The supplication of a Muslim for his brother in his absence will definitely be answered. Whenever he prays for goodness for his brother, the angel assigned to this task responds, ‘Ameen! May it be for you, too Muslim”

{دعوة المرء المسلم لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة، عند رأسه ملك موكل به، كلما دعا لأخيه قال الملك الموكل به: آمين ولك بمثل}

(Sahih Muslim).

This underscores the significance of selfless prayers for others and their influence on the acceptance of our own duas.

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What AreThe Times When Duas Are Accepted?

When seeking to enhance the effectiveness of our prayers, it’s essential to recognize the signs that your dua will be accepted. Understanding the specific times when duas are more likely to be answered can significantly strengthen our faith and connection with Allah. Here are the key moments when your supplications may find a favorable reception.

  1. Last Third of the Night
    Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of each night, asking: Who is calling upon Me that I may respond? Who is seeking from Me that I may grant? Who is asking for My forgiveness so that I may forgive?”

{ينزل ربنا تبارك وتعالى كل ليلة إلى السماء الدنيا حين يبقى ثلث الليل الأخير، فيقول: من يدعوني فأستجيب له من يسألني فأعطيه من يستغفرني فأغفر له}

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

  1. After the Daily Prayers
    Following the completion of the five daily prayers and the recitation of Tasbeeh is an excellent opportunity to make your duas.
  2. Between Adhan and Iqamah
    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned that a supplication made between the adhan and iqamah is never rejected.
  3. During the Call to Prayer
    It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stated that duas made at the time of the call to prayer, as well as during battles, are seldom rejected.
  4. Laylat al-Qadr
    On the blessed night of Laylat al-Qadr, duas are particularly accepted. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that this night is better than a thousand months, and those who miss its blessings are truly deprived.
  5. When It Rains
    The companions of the Prophet were known to make supplications during rainfall, believing it to be a time of mercy.
  6. A Specific Hour on Friday
    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) indicated that there is an hour on Friday when a Muslim’s prayers are answered if made during this time.
  7. While Drinking Zamzam Water
    Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Zamzam water is for whatever intention it is drunk.”
  8. During Prostration (Sujud)
    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught that a person is closest to Allah during prostration, and it is an ideal time to make extensive supplications.
  9. When Visiting the Sick
    Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) advised to make duas for goodness when visiting the sick or deceased, as angels affirm such prayers.
  10. Throughout Ramadan
    Dua during Ramadan is incredibly significant. Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stated that the prayers of those fasting are not rejected during their iftar. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) also noted that those who remember Allah during Ramadan are cleansed of their sins and will not leave empty-handed.

5 Signs That Your Dua is Rejected

Here are some indicators that your dua (supplication) may be rejected:

  1. Lack of Sincerity: If your prayers are not offered with genuine sincerity or full faith in Allah, they are unlikely to be accepted. It’s essential to approach your dua with true conviction.
  2. Selfish Intentions: Praying for something that is haram or harmful to others can lead to rejection. It’s crucial to ensure that your requests align with Islamic principles.
  3. Need for Forgiveness: If you have committed sins, you should seek forgiveness before making a dua. Acknowledging and repenting for past wrongdoings is vital for your prayers to be heard.
  4. Negative Attitude: Holding onto anger or displaying a bad attitude can hinder your prayers. Cultivating humility and a positive mindset is essential for acceptance.
  5. Improper Timing or State: Making dua at inappropriate times or without proper ablution (wudu) can also lead to rejection. It’s important to perform your supplications in a respectful manner.

When making dua, it is important to follow certain essential practices to enhance the sincerity and effectiveness of your supplications

Essential Practices to Observe During Your Dua

To enhance the chances of your dua being accepted, it’s vital to draw closer to Allah through daily supplications and good deeds, such as giving charity. Engaging in acts of kindness significantly increases the signs that your dua will be accepted.

Maintain pure and sincere intentions while making your dua; your goal should be to please Allah Ta’ala and seek His assistance without any pretense or hypocrisy.

Complete faith in Allah’s ability to answer your prayers is essential. Trust that He knows what is truly best for you.

Additionally, it is crucial to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by reciting blessings during your dua, as this practice serves as a pathway to receiving Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Finally, utilize authentic Arabic duas from the Quran and Sunnah, as these prayers carry profound meanings and are more likely to be accepted by Allah Ta’ala.

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In conclusion, understanding the signs that your dua will be accepted strengthens our faith and deepens our connection with Allah. 

By adhering to essential practices such as sincerity in intention, invoking mercy, and following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we can be more confident that our supplications will be answered. 

If you seek further guidance and support on your spiritual journey, don’t hesitate to visit Sabil Al-Quran, where we strive to help you enhance your understanding and relationship with Allah.

FAQ About Signs That your Dua will Be Accepted

How to know your Dua is Accepted?

When making your dua, begin by sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a phrase like “Allahumma salli…”. Call upon Allah using His beautiful names and praise Him as He truly deserves. It’s important to face the qiblah and raise your hands in supplication. Maintain unwavering faith that your dua will be accepted, trusting that Allah will respond in His own way.

How do I know Allah will accept my dua?

When making dua, it’s essential to keep two key conditions in mind. First, you must approach your supplication with unwavering conviction that Allah is listening to you. Second, trust that He will respond at the right time, according to His wisdom.

How can I increase my chances of dua being accepted?

When making dua, remember to call upon no one but Allah, as only He responds to supplications. Avoid expecting immediate results and ensure that your requests are for halal matters. Maintain a positive mindset about Allah, stay focused during your prayers, and ensure your sustenance is halal. Additionally, approach your dua with humility, avoiding any form of aggression in your requests.

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